
View Procedure


Procedure for Reclaiming University Space

Approval Date: 2008-07-17

Effective Date: 2008-09-01

Responsible Unit: Department of Facilities Management


Facilities Management conducts routine Space audits through the Space Inventory and site visits and in so doing may discover space that is not being used optimally. It may submit a recommendation to the Vice-Presidents' Space Committee to have the space re-allocated. The Vice-Presidents' Space Committee will consider and rule on the recommendation, most likely in light of one or more received Proposals for the Allocation of Additional Space. The consideration may include a site visit by members of the Committee.

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Procedure Amendment History

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Date: 2022-08-30 13:37:02
Date: 2022-08-30 13:38:12
This procedure was replaced with a new version. Comment provided: 8/30/22 fixed links